Who Are We?
Northern Connections is a small, family owned business in Michigan that became an unexpected, exciting reality. Our company owners started growing cannabis flower in 2017 and ended up with a ton of byproduct. Instead of wasting it, the pair began making tinctures and "cannabutter" from what was left over. Once shared with friends and receiving such positive feedback, Hannah and Phil knew they had something special. They started to expand their product into the caregiver business, where they found that they were really helping people. Northern Connections products have been used to cure and heal all sorts of ailments and sickness, from deep scarring to drug addiction. Hannah and Phil fell in love with helping others and were able to make it diverse and fun too.
In the beginning of 2019, the product that rocketed Northern Connections into success was created - Liquid Loud THC Syrup. Hannah and Phil entered Liquid Loud into their first competition, and ended up taking home the 2nd place award of the 2019 High Times Cannabis Cup of the Medically Infused Category. Since then, our THC Syrup, and our other products, have been in high demand all across the state.
Now, Northern Connections is sold recreationally all across the state of Michigan. Our team has been consistently creating new and different ways of consuming cannabis through our brand. Founders Hannah and Phil continue to show their compassion within and outside the business. At Northern Connections, we care deeply about our consumers and our products.